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Mar 14, 2021

Feb 4, 2021

Susannah Money-Schenk
Apr 20, 2020
Core Strengthening - Creating a Neutral Spine
Creating a strong core is important for a number of reasons: It prevents injury It makes our movements more efficient It can eliminate...

Susannah Jane Money-Schenk
Apr 20, 2020
Core Strengthening - Back to Basics! The Anatomy.
What is our Core?? Our core is so much more than the six pack muscles! Yes you can have a six pack and have a crappy core! Rectus...

Susannah Money-Schenk
Apr 18, 2020
Protein -What is it and why do we need it?
What is protein? Protein is the macronutrient that forms the building blocks of the body! Protein is composed of amino acids - they are...

Susannah Money-Schenk
Apr 17, 2020
Do you even Meal Prep?!
Meal prep can seem like a lot of effort but is it really that hard? It doesn't have to take all Sunday and it doesn't have to be boring...

Susannah Money-Schenk
Apr 13, 2020
Why should we be Reading More?
I don't mean reading a Facebook post, I mean reading a book! One of the habits from my 30-Day Challenge is to read 10 pages of a book a...

Susannah Money-Schenk
Apr 7, 2020
Coffee - Yep! It's good for you, but how much?
Well! I never thought when I set about writing this post that I would struggle for something to write about! Not because there was...

Susannah Money-Schenk
Apr 6, 2020
Self Love and Limiting Beliefs
Self love is more important than you think and definitely NOT vane or selfish. We are living in a world of pressure. Pressure to look...

Susannah Money-Schenk
Apr 6, 2020
Alcohol - to binge or not to binge, that is the question.
And the answer is a resounding NO! To understand this lets have a little closer look at alcohol and the effects it has on our bodies as...

Susannah Money-Schenk
Apr 4, 2020
Sleep - Why it is so important and how to get better at it!
'I had four hours of sleep last night!' 'I'll sleep when I'm dead' 'I don't need sleep' I hear these phrases a lot. I myself have used...

Susannah Money-Schenk
Mar 30, 2020
Water Water Everywhere - So why don't you drink it??
Water. H2O. Aqua. Adam's Ale. Whatever it is you want to call it, it is no secret that drinking water is good for you, but why?? Here are...
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